Chapter 7. Bus and Device Operations

Table of Contents
openusb_get_busid_list, openusb_free_busid_list -- Return all busids in the system, Free returned busids
openusb_get_devids_by_bus, openusb_get_devids_by_vendor, openusb_get_devids_by_class, openusb_free_devid_list -- Return all devids matching a pattern, Free returned devids
openusb_get_device_data,openusb_free_device_data  -- Get a device's data, Free the device data
openusb_open_device,openusb_close_device -- Open/Close a device
openusb_get_devid -- Extract device ID from a device handle
openusb_get_lib_handle -- Extract openusb handle from a device handle
openusb_get_max_xfer_size -- Get the maximum data transfer size per request based on the bus and type
openusb_get_configuration, openusb_set_configuration -- Get the current bConfigurationValue of a device, Set a device's bConfigurationValue
openusb_claim_interface, openusb_release_interface, openusb_is_interface_claimed -- Claim interface exclusively, Release an interface, Check if an interface has been claimed
openusb_get_altsetting,openusb_set_altsetting -- Get alternate setting number, Set alternate setting
openusb_reset -- Reset device

This group of functions deal with the bus and device. Bus operations allows application to scan busses on a system. Device operations allows application to search for specific device, open and close those devices as well standard USB operations like setting the configuration, alternate settings, clearing halts and resetting the device. It also provides OS level operations such as claiming and releasing interfaces.