openusb_get_devids_by_bus, openusb_get_devids_by_vendor, openusb_get_devids_by_class, openusb_free_devid_list


openusb_get_devids_by_bus, openusb_get_devids_by_vendor, openusb_get_devids_by_class, openusb_free_devid_list -- Return all devids matching a pattern, Free returned devids


uint32_t openusb_get_devids_by_bus(openusb_handle_t handle , openusb_busid_t busid , openusb_devid_t **devids , uint32_t *num_devids );

uint32_t openusb_get_devids_by_vendor(openusb_handle_t handle , int32_t vendor , int32_t product , openusb_devid_t **devids , uint32_t *num_devids );

uint32_t openusb_get_devids_by_class(openusb_handle_t handle , int16_t devclass, int16_t subclass, int16_t protocol, openusb_devid_t **devids , uint32_t *num_devids );

void openusb_free_devid_list(openusb_devid_t * devids);


handle - Libusb handle returned in openusb_init().

busid - Which bus (0 for all busses).

devids - Pointer to address of the devid list, allocated by openusb.

num_devids - Number of device ids by this search/match.

vendor - Vendor ID (0 - 0xFFFF, -1 for all).

product - Product ID (0 - 0xFFFF, -1 for all).

class - Class (0 - 0xFF, -1 for all).

subclass - Subclass (0 - 0xFF, -1 for all).

protocol - Protocol (0 - 0xFF, -1 for all).


These functions are used to get/free device IDs of those devices that an application is interested in. Application depends on these devids to do any other operation on a device. For example, when application wants to transfer data to a device, it has to specify the devid got here to call corresponding openusb functions to open.

openusb_get_devids_by_bus() returns all the ids of devices on a bus. If busid is 0, it will return all devids in the system. The returned devids are stored in devids. The number of devids is in num_devids .

openusb_get_devids_by_vendor() returns all devids of devices that match specific VID and PID. If vendor = -1, it will match any vendor's device. If product = -1, it will match any devices of a vendor. If both are -1, it will match any devices of any vendor.

openusb_get_devids_by_class() returns all devids of devices that match specific class, subclass or protocol. This function first uses application supplied class, subclass and protocol to match their counterpart in Device Descriptor of a device. If they don't match, then this function will try to match class, subclass and protocol to their counterparts in invidual Interface Descriptors of a device. If an argument is -1, it means to match any class, subclass or protocol.

openusb_free_devid_list() frees devids returned in above interfaces.

Return Value

openusb_get_devids_by_bus(), openusb_get_devids_by_vendor(), openusb_get_devids_by_class() may have the following return values:


OPENUSB_NO_RESOURCES - Memory allocation failure.

OPENUSB_BADARG - Invalid argument. devids or num_devids is NULL; busid is invalid; vendor or product is out of range; class, subclass or product is out of range.

OPENUSB_NULL_LIST - The devids list is empty.

OPENUSB_INVALID_HANDLE - Libusb handle is invalid.

See Also

openusb_init, openusb_fini