III. Functions
- Table of Contents
- 6. Core
openusb_init, openusb_fini
-- Initialize or destroy a libopenusb instanceopenusb_set_debug
-- Set debug informationopenusb_set_event_callback, openusb_coldplug_callbacks_done
-- Set event callbacks or Waiting for coldplug events completionopenusb_set_default_timeout
-- Set default timeout for USB transfer
- 7. Bus and Device Operations
openusb_get_busid_list, openusb_free_busid_list
-- Return all busids in the system, Free returned busidsopenusb_get_devids_by_bus, openusb_get_devids_by_vendor,
openusb_get_devids_by_class, openusb_free_devid_list
-- Return all devids matching a pattern, Free returned devidsopenusb_get_device_data,openusb_free_device_data
-- Get a device's data, Free the device dataopenusb_open_device,openusb_close_device
-- Open/Close a deviceopenusb_get_devid
-- Extract device ID from a device handleopenusb_get_lib_handle
-- Extract openusb handle from a device handleopenusb_get_max_xfer_size
-- Get the maximum data transfer size per request based on the bus
and type
openusb_get_configuration, openusb_set_configuration
-- Get the current bConfigurationValue of a device,
Set a device's bConfigurationValueopenusb_claim_interface, openusb_release_interface,
-- Claim interface exclusively, Release an interface,
Check if an interface has been claimedopenusb_get_altsetting,openusb_set_altsetting
-- Get alternate setting number, Set alternate settingopenusb_reset
-- Reset device
- 8. Device Descriptor Parsers
openusb_get_raw_desc, openusb_free_raw_desc, openusb_parse_device_desc,
openusb_parse_config_desc, openusb_parse_interface_desc, openusb_parse_endpoint_desc
-- Get/Free raw device descriptors; Get cooked Device, Configuration, Interface,
Endpoint descriptors openusb_parse_data
-- Unpack arbitrary little endian raw data
- 9. USB Data Transfer
openusb_xfer_wait, openusb_xfer_aio
-- Issue synchronous I/O request, Issue asynchronous I/O request openusb_ctrl_xfer, openusb_intr_xfer, openusb_bulk_xfer, openusb_isoc_xfer
-- Issue synchronous Control, Interrupt, Bulk, Isochronous request openusb_abort
-- Abort previous I/O requestopenusb_wait, openusb_poll
-- Wait for I/O request completion, Poll completion status of I/O requestopenusb_start, openusb_stop
-- Start multi-xfer mode I/O; Stop multi-xfer mode I/O
- 10. Helper Utilities
-- Return english text corresponding to an error codeopenusb_cpu_to_le16,openusb_cpu_to_le32
-- Convert data from CPU endianess to Little Endianopenusb_le16_to_cpu,openusb_le32_to_cpu
-- Convert data from little endian to CPU byte order.